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Check New Google Workspace Updates

Google Workspace Update

Check the New Google Workspace Update

Google Workspace Update: Google Workspace is a cloud-based platform that offers users business applications. The business version of the applications like Docs, Sheets, Meet, Drive, Calendar, Slides, Forms, Keep, Chat, etc. Google Workspace periodically updates the workspace applications with new features. The released updates improve productivity. People work in hybrid mode and make use of the latest Google update. Google Workspace releases many updates to the applications here. Updates introduced by Google Workspace are Format and display codes in Docs, Google Drive Warning banner display, Rich Text Formatting in Google Forms, Manage Pending Tasks in the Calendar, Language support for captions in Meet, Gmail Integrated View, Removing participants from Google Meet, Google Meet Access and Google Drive Expiring Access controls.

Format and display codes in Docs

In Google Docs, you need to paste the codes into the document and manually apply the styles by highlighting the syntax. Google Workspace introduced a future to format and display the code in Google Docs. Google Workspace added a new feature that enables the format and display of program code with code blocks. 

  1. Go to Insert. 
  2. Building blocks. 
  3. Code blocks. 
  4. Select your programming language. 


The above steps format and display the code in a Google document. 

Google Workspace Update

Google Drive Warning banner display

People work with many office files in their work. Google Drive file is shared with colleagues. If files have a virus in their system, their files are affected. When they share with others, the virus affects the files. Already Google Docs, sheets, slides, and drawings display warning banners to the users. when opening potentially harmful files, google drive displays a warning banner if the user opens a suspicious file in google drive.

Rich Text Formatting in Google Forms 

Workspace released updates for rich text formatting in google forms. Google forms are used to fill in the forms and surveys to analyze responses online. Google forms allow users to customize forms. Using this option users can bold, italicize, hyperlink, and list in titles, question titles, and descriptions.

Steps to do rich formatting

  1. Go to create a form.
  2. Add or edit text. 
  3. Select the formatting option.


Manage Pending Tasks in the Calendar   

Google Calendar helps to schedule meetings and create tasks. You leave some of the tasks when working. Using a calendar creates reminders about your meeting and task. It is difficult to find a missing task. Google Calendar manages your pending tasks. If you have a pending task, due in the last 30 days. Enter information about a pending task by clicking a task, you see a list of pending tasks. If you completed the task you mark it as completed in the list.  

Language support for captions in Meet

Google meet is a video-calling application used for meetings. In video meetings, captions appear if you turn them on. Now google workspace introduced updates to translate the English caption into many other languages. In google meet, English is translated into French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. To use the translated caption, follow the steps. 

  1. Open google meet.
  2. Click more options.
  3. settings
  4. captions
  5. Turn on captions
  6. Set the language to English
  7. Turn on translated options
  8. Select the language. 

Google Drive Expiring date Access controls

When working with people outside your organization, you can restrict the content from their access in google drive. After finishing your project, you want to restrict access to some files. You can also set the expiration date to limit the access and end access to a file in google drive. The steps to add an expiration date are given here. 

  1. open a file in google drive
  2. Click share.
  3. Find the user.
  4. click down arrow.
  5. Add expiration.
  6. accept 30 days expiration.
  7. Click send.

Hope you learned about google workspace update. Check our blog to know about google workspace and web hosting tips and tricks.

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  • Google workspace
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  • Website design

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