Navo Hosting


What are the New Google Docs Tips & Tricks available?

Google Docs

Google Docs Tips & Tricks

Google Docs, along with Google’s Workspace Products can make your business easier.  Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other office products of Google have come in handy for you with Google’s Workspace plans.  You can create documents, spreadsheets, slides, and more.  Unlike word processing software, you can use Google Docs and other Google products from your browser online.  The other benefit is, that your file is automatically saved in the cloud at Google Drive.  

How to Start Writing on Google Docs

  • Go to Google Docs in the browser. You can log in with your Google Workspace account and start writing. The best part is, that you can collaborate with your colleagues remotely in Google Docs and other Google Workspaces apps in real time. That’s the beauty of it. 
  • Many authors, and bloggers prefer to use Google Docs to collaborate with co-writers effectively in real time. You can see the simple interface in Google Docs. From the main menu, you can see your already-written documents. (If you have created it already).  
  • If you want to create a new document, you can make it by clicking the + button.  Once you have written, you can download your document in various formats such as docx, pdf, txt, epub, and much more.



You can write blogs, non-fiction, fiction, and anything if you want to finish the work in a fast manner. Google has merged Google Duo into Google Meet recently which showcases the people’s need in point of Google. 

“According to Google, it’s a complicated process to link the two chatting applications into one.

How to Insert Images from Web on Docs

As we are well aware of The brand Google has created for itself, we can trust this merging process and it will continue to do better for the businesses and individuals as well. 

Coming back to the Google Docs, you can insert any images by searching on the web by going to Insert menu, and click on Image, and select Search on the web  , you will be able to insert photos inside your document. 

Google Docs Updates

Since Google chat is being experimented in integrating with various Google Products such as Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Duo, we can consider Google Meet shall be omnipresent digitally. 

You can use add-ons in the Google Docs app to automate the process and save your time. 

Moreover, Google Docs is the central part of Google’s office apps. It is used by millions of businesses worldwide to enrich your business’ productivity tools. 

You know one thing? You can send emails right from Google Docs itself. 

In order to do so, you need to tap the “Insert” button and click Building Blocks and click on Email Draft and it will open a prompt window which is very similar to Gmail interface. From there, you can compose emails. It will be sent as email inside Google Docs. So, you don’t need to worry about Email attachments.


How to Type Faster With Google Docs

Yes, you heard it, right? You can type faster with your voice in Google Docs. 

To do so, tap “tools” and select “voice typing” . When  the speaker opens up, you can speak and let Google Docs do the rest of the magic. (typing). 

I hope you enjoy this blog post.




Navohosting is one of the premier Google Workspace Reseller in India and offer Webhosting services to the clients. We also offer website design services to our clients. Get connected with us to grow your business.

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