Navo Hosting


New Web Domain Name Types Update

Domain Name

Different Domain Name Types

Domain Name Types: The internet connects computers worldwide into a global network. Each computer communicates with others, identified by unique IP addresses. However, remembering IP addresses is challenging for users. To address this, domain names are introduced. These names serve as the addresses for websites on the internet. Users type the domain name into the address bar to visit the website

When you enter the domain name it sends a request to a global network of servers and then the server looks for the name server / DNS servers related to the domain. The server forwards the request to name servers. The hosting company manages the name server. There are many domain types available in the market.  


Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain name systems assign domain names and map domain names to Internet resources. Further DNS translates the domain names into IP addresses. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the Domain Name System (DNS). ICANN permits Domain Name Registrars to sell the domain name. Domain Name Registrars manage, renew, and transfer the domains to other registrars.

There are many domains available with the domain providers. Let us look at the different types of domain names. 

  1. Top-level domain (TLD)
  2. Second-level domain (SLD)
  3. Third-level domain

How many type of Top level domain(TLD) is available?

The top-level domain is one of the highest-level domains in the hierarchy( TLD). It is the final section of the domain name. There are many types of top-level domains like

  • Generic Top Level Top Domain (gTLD),
  • Country code Top Level Top Domain (ccTLD),
  • Sponsored Top Level Domain (STLD) , and
  • New generic Top level domain (ngTLD).


Domain Name Types


Generic Top-level domain (gTLD)

Top-level domain with generic domain extension commonly known as TLD. TLD is the highest level of the DNS hierarchy. The most used TLD is generic TLD. The most used top-level domains are .com, .net, .biz, and .info.


Country code Top-level domain (ccTLD) 

CcTD is the country-specific Top-level domain (TLD). The domain names end with country-based extensions.  Country code Top-level domain (TLD) target specific country people. Examples of the CcTD are .us, .in, .uk,


Sponsored Top Level Domain (STLD)

The sponsored Top Level Domain(stld) is a type of specialized top-level domain. Sponsored Top Level Domain has a sponsor representing a specific community. The communities include organizations, educational institutions, government departments, etc. Example: .org, .edu, .gov.


New generic Top level domain (ngTLD)

The new generic Top level domain (ngTLD) is for businesses and organizations. Examples of new generic Top-level domains are .blog, .shop, and .news.


Geographic New Generic Top Level Domain (Geo ngTLD)

The TLDs caters to a specific geographic location. Examples of Geo ngTLD are .nyc and .paris. 


Second-level domains (SLD)

The second-level domain is the domain name that comes from before the top-level domain. For example, take the .in CCTLD which has where .co is the .co second-level domain for the Top-level domain (TLD).


Third level domain 

The third level domain is the secondary domain / sub level domain within the DNS hierarchy. It is second to the left of Second-level domains (SLD). To add a subdomain to your existing domain using a third-level domain. It is referred to as a subdomain. This subdomain is used by large-sized enterprises to differentiate departments. An example of a third-level domain is



Choose the domain from different types according to your wish. Get the web domain to start your website for your business. After that, buy the web hosting for your website. Choose a web hosting plan according to your business.

Check the comparison of domain names Choose from various web domain name types after comparing them.


Navo hosting is one of the best webhosting provider in India. Our services includes 

  • Google workspace
  • Domain & Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Digital Marketing


We offer the above services to our clients. To get more details about our service and get a desired domain name for your business, feel free to contact us. 


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